4 things that will show you---- we are divided as " Hosteller" & "Day-Scholar'!!

1.) Hostel
Hmmm, right !!
Hostel is something like "freedom" . Well i don't know much about it but yes, heard a lot from hostellers. That late night sleep,fun,craziness,Qtiyapa, "LAN" :p are some common activities that you'll gonna miss in your entire 4 years of college life.

2.) Events

 Yeah ! "events".
Well this one is not for freshers , because they'll attend as much events as possible. Since, they are new to this environment  they all are very excited for these stuffs. But as they step up into 2nd year they realises, that they are not made for these. As , they don't have much time. It's better to go home as early as possible. Some exception are there as well :p .

3.) Societies
Well after getting admission to this prestigious university , there is just 1 mind boggling question in every fresher's mind --------------------> How to get a placement?
Well some of our senior also have a readymade answer.
Just maintain a average of >70% ,join a society or tech team to show in ur CV .
That's enough and follow ur interest.
But before joining a society you must note that
"You have to devote your time to the society".
Day scholars joins them just for the sake of certis. ( 6od yaar certi toh milega) -_-


4.) Tech-team

This is the situation faced by every day scholars who are willing to be a part of a team.
No matter how intelligent you are, how creative you are. At the end you'll be asked whether you are a hosteller or day scholar.
If you are a day scholar then you'll be asked---> can u afford a PG? If yes, than welcome to the team. Otherwise i'm sorry.


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